Environmental Justice Education

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Campaign Description

The environmental justice education campaign seeks to increase understandings and skills among activists in organisations living and working on the fence line. It sets out to  contribute to  the formation of critical and democratic leadership in the struggle against environmental injustices and support the autonomy of the organisations with which groundWork works. The teaching approach is in line with People’s Education and informed by and is organised on Freierian principles and foregrounds interaction, participation, and reflection.

EJE consists of two strands:

  1. The Environmental Justice School for Activists (EJS) takes place on an annual basis. groundWork campaigners request community organisations that they work with to identify participants who will spend four weeks, in total, at a residential school.
  2. EJE supports groundWork campaigners work in communities and organisations they work with. EJE participates in their planning of workshops, awareness raising, and materials production.

Environmental Justice School for Activists (EJS)
